Hi, I am Jasper. I love how reading 1 book can bring you years of experience and knowledge. Fiction is an exercise for your imagination. I got myself an e-reader I crushed more than 20+ books in the last year. Now I am here writing down my reading journey and hope to bring interesting tips, tricks, and reviews to like-minded people.

Horus Rising Cover

Horus Rising

A gritty dark science fiction story that would bring me back to the time I played 40k.


# Science Fiction

The Little Prince Cover

The Little Prince

The book was easy to read and very lightweight. It is considered a children’s book but I still enjoyed reading it. Many of the stories have an underlying meaning which I think can only be understood by adults.


# Novel

Mastering Modular Javascript Cover

Mastering Modular Javascript

Sometimes when i develop i am not the proudest on how my code looks. It’s always a good idea to improve your proffesional skills, which for me is being a frontend developer.


# Programming

Never Split the Difference Cover

Never Split the Difference

I always find when i negotiate about prices or benefits i always get the short end of the stick (well in some cases) and a book about negotiating would strongly benefit me.


# Self Help

All Systems Red Cover

All Systems Red

Its been a while since i just read a novel, a fun light science fiction book seems to be the perfect entry for my reading adventure. I am quite fond of smaller books that brinf forth an interesting story without going on and on without enticing the reader. This book was perfect as a small fast story in a fun perspective.


# Science Fiction