
Godot Engine Game Development Cover

Godot Engine Game Development

I am subscribed to the Unity3D newsletter, seeing a new version always gets me excited to go check it out. Yet this time my google search let me to Godot an opensource emerging game engine. After reading the documentation and making a simple project, I wanted to dive deeper into Godot and got my self this book.


# Programming

The Little Go Book Cover

The Little Go Book

So this free go ebook seemed to be a perfect introduction to the language. The book is a good primer introducing you to the very basics of the language. I did read it without access to a computer and found some of the later examples a bit too daunting to fully understand without testing it out. I would definitely recommend reading this book on your PC and typing out the examples to understand it.


# Programming

Mastering Modular Javascript Cover

Mastering Modular Javascript

Sometimes when i develop i am not the proudest on how my code looks. It’s always a good idea to improve your proffesional skills, which for me is being a frontend developer.


# Programming