The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

# Self Help

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck Cover

This book always intrigued me and I finally got some time to pick it up. I must say I went into this book being someone who does not give that many fucks. So I was not sure what I would get out of reading this.

When I started reading the book felt a little different from what I expected. I thought it was about not giving a fuck and being a bit of a self-centered asshole and making the best of it. But it does turn out that the “subtle art of not giving a fuck” is very different. The book goes through a lot of examples, lessons, and values that give you a new perspective on the way you think.

The writing of the book ties perfect into the message it contains. Some people might find the number of curse words or bad jokes a bit too much. I found it very fun to read and hooked me to read from start to finish in only a few reading sessions.

For me, the most interesting part of the book is Chapter 4: The value of suffering. Here we go into detail why it is not good to always be positive and take head to your emotions. It goes into transforming your negative experiences in life. Turning them into positive ones. To quote Freud as the writer did. “One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful”.

It wraps up the book perfect with a great personal story of the author to tie all the knowledge into a great end. This book one of the funniest, enjoyable self-help books I read.

I can recommend this book to anyone who is looking to redefine their values. The key message I got from this book is the fact that you should only give a fuck about the things that matter. Determine what these are for you in your life and forget about the rest.


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