All Systems Red

# Science Fiction

All Systems Red Cover

Its been a while since i just read a novel, a fun light science fiction book seems to be the perfect entry for my reading adventure. I am quite fond of smaller books that brinf forth an interesting story without going on and on without enticing the reader. This book was perfect as a small fast story in a fun perspective.

For me its fun as well to watch movies that are portrayed in a first person perspective, starting to read this book immediatly sucked me in as the reader has a direct perspective of the protagonist.

There is no incredible depth in this book and the amount of different characters is limited. This is perfect if you are bad at remembering names, so for me definitve positive point. I found the science fiction aspect of the book quite straight-forward there are no new concepts or unstepped terratory here, it is a basic science fiction setting which is very prevelent.

The interesting part of the book is the protagonist which differantiates from the standard robot we are used to. It was interesting to be in the mind as well as looking forward what the next actions the author had in mind.



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